Saturday, October 30, 2010

Heads up Penny

I don't know how or when this started but whenever I come across a penny lying on the ground, I check to see if it is heads up. If so, I pick it up, put it in my pocket and continue on my way. I know that finding a penny in the heads up position is supposed to mean good luck but to be honest, I don't look at it like that. In fact, after I pick up the penny and put it in my pocket, more times than not, I actually forget about it. At least until I disrobe at the end of the day and it clinks on the floor as it falls from my pocket. Either way, it has just become this thing that I do.

However, today, it was suggested to me that there might be a reason behind my whole 'penny picking up' habit.

'Have you ever thought about what those pennies might mean?'

'No. Not really.'

'You never thought about a possible significance coming across those pennies in your life might have?'

'No, I haven't' As I sat getting slightly intrigued yet frustrated.

'Might it be possible they are a message to you from someone you hold special? A message to quit looking at the big picture and not to pass over the small stuff. I know that I might see a heads up penny once in a blue moon but you seem to find them far more often'

'No, I never thought like that'

At that moment, a tear fell down my cheek. For many reasons, actually. That he might be right, that he brought up my missing my someone special and my failing to possibly recognize the little things in life as I scream and cry that my life is as F'd up as it is at the moment.

After that, I continued to cry as that had opened the flood gates but everything seemed to be trumped as I thought about the penny lying on my floor at home since it fell from my pocket the other day.

When I returned home, though the penny is still small and lying in the same place -

I see it in a whole new way.

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