~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
I am the type of person who allows VERY few people close to me. I have been hurt WAY too many times in my life, so in an effort to protect myself, I pick and choose carefully. Though this may sound sad and unfortunate, it has actually brought to light some great things. For instance, I recognize when a relationship is special, when feelings are real and when people are true (for the most part).
When people meet and make relationships with one another, it could happen for many reasons. How that relationship works, is particular to them and could be the most amazing thing in the world. Having had my share of relationships in my life thus far (albeit romantic, friends etc.), I can know when someone comes into my life and we work on ALL fronts, just how rare and absolutely amazing that truly is to have. By all fronts I mean, intimately/physically, friendship, business etc. It's like nothing you could ever really express when you meet someone and you just 'work' in all situations. For every situation you might enter into together, you just fall into your particular roles. There is no question, no arguing, no anything. It's like everything just clicks into place when you enter the situation. You each work in your role, whatever that may be and move onto the next thing in the relationship. You have the utmost respect for each other. To be able to do that is just SO incredible. You just don't find that anywhere. In my experience, couples work here but not there. They can be together in a romantic/relationship sense but could never be in each others business/work environment. Some make great friends but could never spend the night together. Others, still, might be able to spend the night, work together but could never be romantic. I think you get the idea.
When I was young, though I might not have known fully what it meant, I considered myself a hopeless romantic. I remember a night, while working at my first job, we would always have the local radio station on and at a certain time, they would take song requests. So, I built up the courage to put my thoughts out there and called them up. The song I requested was 'Somewhere out there' and I dedicated it to no one in particular. When I was asked who it was for, I said just that - 'Not for anyone in particular, just putting it out there'.
As I hung up the phone, I smiled.