Thursday, August 20, 2009

I often find myself thinking about people and why people do what they do. Now, I know that I have been told that I read into things too much but there is just something in me that wants to know 'why'. Quite possibly, most times that I 'read into things' there really is nothing there to find but, yet, I really feel in my heart that there is something else underneath the spoken words at times. Ironically, if and when there is, I never really find it out. Frustrating.

Regardless - today is another day filled with thoughts. What is going on? How did I get here? What is going to happen? Where can I find a hug? and so on...

I feel as though these thoughts just dance around in my head and tease me with the answers that never seem to come when I want them. Hell, sometimes, they don't come at all. Perhaps, I should try to be a little less demanding of the thoughts and learn to just notice them and wait for the answer to present itself....

Problem: I am impatient

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"If emotions were candy, I would have the worst toothache ever."

I don't know where to put them. I don't know how to handle them except to keep moving. Keep moving - that is all anyone tells me and really, it is all I tell myself these days. Still, though, as you keep moving you can't ignore the fact that the emotions are there and they can get in the way. How does one work through them? Yeah, there are good days and then there are the bad days when you just want to hit something (at least I do). I guess you just take them as they come. Is that right? There really is no 'place' for them.

Just take them as they come and keep moving.